today is 10th day of RAMADHAN.. ramadhan kareem!! Allahu Akram..
through my observation ... everyday when I read newspaper, i'm feel so sad and angry,
it's so annoying..it's too much..BABY DUMPING..duh!! hate it much..
why should people(heartless people) do that? what a poor baby, poor society and poor human beings. Where they actually put their senses, heart or even their mind?
could we imagine, if we be into the shoes of that baby. Cute baby at the dumpsite, cute new-born baby at the river,drain, in front of mosque, in front of police station.where else.. too many..too many..Nauzubillahiminzalik...no matter how regret heartless are, the already done a big sin. I wonder, why does it happen? what happen to the people outside? according to the star (19th August 2010,thursday) so far this year, 66 babies, including 25 girls and 15 foetuses were DUMPED.. Their parent deserve the death sentence. Jahilliyah's time come out from the window again..Ya Allah, Bersihkanlah hati-hati ini, bukakanlah pintu hati mereka kerna Hanya Engkau yg menerima taubat..Amin.. Thanx 4 my parent for all this while..Alhamdullilah ..