I draw with my uncreative fingers..hehehe..at least I can draw.Alhamdulilah =.)
Although this post should be in on 2008 , i don't paste it on wall because i do not have blog yet..hehehe.. but now I have one..yeay!!
Gist from forum entailed “Siapakah Allah di hatimu?”
21st May, 2008, I had gone to a talk in LT A law. It was a programme under the MA’RUF Club. I found that talk giving a bit impact on my life. It makes me “reboot” my brain about my mission live in this world. Ustaz starts the talk with an interesting “ta’ruf’ ta’ruf about Human being i.e. us. Who are we? What for we live in this world? Ustaz told us that Human involved 4 components which are body (jasad), spirit (roh), mind (akal) and desire (nafsu). We always think that we use cornea to see things but why when we sleep we can’t see anything even though cornea still there. This is because when we sleep, roh was out from our body i.e. Body without spirit is nothing, it useless as well as akal without nafsu. Now, we know who we are. We are the best creation, as stated in the Quran surah At-Tin: 4 “Laqad kholaknal insana fi ahsanitaqwim” which means we were created by Allah as the most beautiful creation. We can’t afford for our life if we doesn’t have a complete set of those component.
After we know who we are, we should know what for we live in this world? For a good POSITION? PUBLICITY? WEALTH?KNOWLEDGE?. Our purpose of life is nothing more than 1) worship Allah and 2) being khaleefah. But how it can be related to our daily life as a student? We seek knowledge for the sake of what? For job?money? For our parent? “bacalah dengan nama tuhanmu” simple sentence but it seem very “menikam kalbu”..we seek knowledge for the sake of Allah(absolute reason). Seeking knowledge is one from act of worship Allah. Allah really loves the one who seeking knowledge which we can see from the first verses surah al-Alaq.READ! in the name of Allah.