It's just 18 days of ramadhan, meaning 12 days left for our eid mubarak celebration.
but peoples in Kuala Lumpur start to buy Cloth,new scarf, new "keronsang", new pant, new curtain,everthing is new. what about the old one? did they keep it out already? hmm..when i swimming in big crowd in SOGO and Masjid Jamek today (saturday,28th of August) i keep ponder. what people doing in there?sooo crowded... just look at the picture.. i snap it when I'm struggling to free my self from crowd.. i'm just looking around and not interested to any stuffs( except my 7=rm10 new "keronsang") .It's for my mom..then, i feel that i'm so lucky to be there, to be here in Malaysia. i'm proud to be Malaysian. I can see peoples around me smile when they get their things, the "makcik penjual" so happy to get her money.. what about palestinian?iraqian? are they as happy as Malaysian? What they ate for their iftar? is it any new stuffs they could buy in the mall? hmm let us pray to Allah for their freedom and happiness. we are so lucky.barakallahu Alaik..Alhamdullilah.